Tint, Tone and Shade

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How do I use value as an element of graphic design?

Tint, Tone and Shade

All elements of design have value. They range from 1% to 100% white on a black background and from 1% to 100% black on a white background. Value adds contrast, movement, direction and depth. Atmospheric values show distance. Can you imagine a black wedding dress among a sea of white tuxedos? Or a black tank in a desert? Values help an object recede or stand out. A value is not as powerful as color when creating a mood, but if your values don't work, color won't save you.

Tint = White + Color
Tone = Gray + color
Shade = Black + color



2/9/2009 4:27:49 PM
maria said:

this comment was very helpful for my studying i think you should show some examples of picuers.


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