When it comes to Graphic Design, we've been there, done that, now serving 252 tips in 18 categories ranging from Business of Graphic Design to Web Design.
Considering applying to graphic design schools? The best way to make sure you go to a reputable graphic design school is to do your research. Start by examining programs accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, also known as NASAD (www.nasad.arts-accredit.org). NASAD is the national accrediting agency for schools in the areas of art and design in the United States. The American Institute of Graphic Arts, more commonly known as the AIGA is the professional organization supporting those in the design field. The AIGA is currently working with NASAD to maintain a level of standards in accredited graphic design programs. After you have examined a list of NASAD accredited graphic design programs, you can start considering the following when applying to graphic design schools:
• Location – Will you commute or move to attend the school of your choice?
• Cost – How much will a graphic design education cost you?
• Specialization – Does the program offer coursework or specialization that interests you?
• Faculty – Who will you get your graphic design education from and what are their backgrounds and credentials?
• Rankings – Some publications such as U.S. News & World Report ranks graphic design programs. Always check the criteria that a ranking system uses to rate their schools to determine if their parameters apply to your particular situation.
• Reputation – How does the school rate among its graduates and members of the professional graphic design community?
A small but concise list of certain terms and phrases relative to the Graphics field to help others and certain novice Graphicos with their undertanding.
Unity in design happens when the form and content supports the goal or idea of your message. A "successful graphic designer" really means "a planner with a visual message that is clearly understood." Use the principle of unity to pull every element to portray the message you want to send.
Grids are an easy way to learn how to format a page, as well as how to see in learning how to draw. Use grids to find the proportion and distance in your work.
Leap tall buildings with a single bound! Get out and study the textures, lines and angles in the practice of architectural rendering. Proportion is important, as well as a sense of the practice of understanding how to render distance.
If you love to probe inside the human body, and you have no fear of doctors or dentists, this may be the career for you. Make that tooth beautiful! Make those veins throb! Make your living as a medical illustrator. You can learn more about this through any site on forensics or medical textbooks.
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