
How do I address the gender issue in marketing?

Gender Neutral

Every time you are faced with a situation where the possessive form he/she/him arises, use a gender-neutral possessive form as frequently as possible. Use your thesaurus when faced with this dilemma in newsletters, correspondence, brochures, etc. Often your client can tip you on what they use as a gender-neutral term for their industry. You can also draw on the virtue of plurals in English grammar, for example:

Every employee must take his lunch at the right time.
Use: Employees must take their lunch at the right time.

Graphic Design Frequently Asked Questions

How do I achieve balance with my design?

How do I critique artwork?

How do I design color in my graphics in advance?

How do I use an analogous color scheme?

How do I work alone with so many tasks?

How do I use color as an element in design?

Who owns rights on artwork when it´s done by a team?

How do I avoid catching negative behaviors?

How do I use an NDA?

What is lithography?

How do I use type as an element in graphic design?

How do I use typography as an element in graphic design?

How do I use line as an element of design?

At what dpi should I scan my photos for print production?

How do I maintain a viewer´s attention on my work?

What is a split complementary color scheme?

How do I make a drawing appear to be 3-dimensional?

How do I use value as an element of graphic design?

How do I expose myself in an online gallery?

How can I best present myself during a conflict at work?

What is the difference between form and shape?

How do I find out about categories of type?

How do I learn how to draw?

How do I use grids to learn how to draw?

How do I make something look larger in two dimensions?

What do I put in my portfolio?

How do I achieve a level of brightness in my artwork?

How do keep the viewer´s eye focused on my layout?

What are cool colors?

How do I use a complementary color scheme?

What do I need to know to become a graphic designer?

How do I sell my greeting cards?

How do I know what colors to use in Christmas card illustrations?

How do I achieve crispness in offset printing?

How do I adjust my type?

What do I look in a photograph for printing?

How do I stay fit if I´m at my desk all day?

How do I update my resume?

What are the primary colors?

How do I find out about a college that´s not located where I live?

How do I render value in web design?

How can I achieve unity in my designs?

How do I make my message stand out?

How do I make my typeface express emotion?

How can I convey a message with a typeface?

What typeface is better for content?

How do I make web-safe colors?

How do I mix primary colors to get white?

What are my chances of employment?

What courses should I take for graphic design?

Why would I need a release for a piece of property?

How do I photograph glass?

What is the Golden Mean?

What is Dada?

How do I find out about a prospective employer?

How do I handle stress?

What do I need to know to become an illustrator?

How do I keep my design detail in offset printing?

How do I use type as an element of design?

How do I use animation in web design?

How do I find out about Arial type?

How do I use repetition in my work?

How do I find out about saturation in color?

How do I use the Printed With Soy Ink Trademark?

How do I socialize with an employee of a competing firm?

How do I use balance in my graphic design?

Why do I need texture in graphic design?

Why do I need a model´s release?

How do I design for magazine layout?

What are warm colors?

What is a tetrad split complementary color scheme?

How do I manage my peers and clients at work?

How do I get an automatic copyright?

How do I find out what a neutral color is?

How do I find out about global holidays?

How do I become a forensic illustrator?

How do I find out about an accordian fold?

How do I define bembo?

How do I use a monochromatic color scheme?

How do I use the principle of economy in my designs?

How do I achieve the illusion of movement in my design?

How do I use rhythm in graphic design?

How do I test my ink color on different papers?

How do I achieve a solid black in printing?

How do I protect my hands from various media?

How do I make tertiary colors?

How do I use a "hue" in my artwork?

When did graphic design get global?

Why should I join an organization?

What is an illustrator?

How can I render space in two dimensions?

How do I produce non-neutral colors with light?

How do I produce neutral colors with light?

How do I know what to say in a greeting card?

How do I define blind embossing?

How do I develop a line of greeting cards?

How do I treat a printer?

How do I render a card that is called "charming?"

How do I learn to do a country greeting card?

How do I design cards for men?

What is graphic design jargon?

How do I define black?

How do I find the history on soy ink?

How do I use ink in flexography?

How do I define bleed?

How do I find out about ASCII?

How do I make myself understood?

How do I design for the Web?

How do I find out what a serif typeface is?

How can I find a better job in graphic design?

How do I better communicate with my clients and my peers?

How do I know how much detail I will lose in printing?

How can I manage a photographi image if I can´t afford a photographer?

How do I find out about the history of the book?

How does a cave painting affect my art today?

How do I know what the ad for work is really saying?

How do I address the gender issue in marketing?

How do I create secondary colors?

How do I find out about Japanese sewn binding?

How do I find out about melt-calendaring?

How do I find out more about the design of web sites?

How do I find out about warm color?

How do I find out about secondary color?

How do I add to my graphic design portfolio?

How can I get the most out of my graphic design organization?

How do I find a magazine for design students?

How do I find out about additive color?

How do I get the secondary colors of cyan and magenta?

How do I define bromide?

How do I define artwork?

How do I become a medical illustrator?

How do I become an architectural renderer?

How do I define a bitmap?

How do I render type in greeting cards?

How do I know my market for greeting cards?

How can I simplify my greeting card market?

How do I find inspiration for greeting card text?

How do I define a font family?

How do I use unity in design?

How do I develop greeting cards for the online market?

How do I design cards with little or no text?

How do I design humorous greeting cards?

How do I define ascenders?

How do I speed up PhotoShop?

How do I define baseline?

How do I define cropping Ls?

How do I get a purple light?

How do I find out about Surrealism?

How do I find out what a spectrum is?

How do I see how the set up will look before I begin my graphic?

How can I avoid long lines at airports?

Do I need to communicate in layman´s terms?

How do I use clip art?

How can I save money on dry transfer type?

How can I keep up with all the online information?

How do I give movement to my still images?

How do I use workable fixative?

How do I make a shade from a color?

How do I find out what achromitic is?

How do I find out about silk-screening?

How do I find out about the process of Benday?

What are Chicago Screw Posts?

How do I find out about chipboard?

How do I find out about corrugate cardboard?

How do I find out about die-cuts?

How do I find out about acrylic?

How do I find out about airpressing?

How do I find out about cell-cast process?

How do I find out about flexography?

How do I find out about silicone?

How do I find out about raised printing?

How do I find out about perfect binding?

How do I find out about saddle-stitch?

How do I find out about value-contrast?

How do I find out about vanishing points?

How do I find out about value emphasis in design?

How do I use an Xacto knife?

Why would I use stock photography?

How do I use clip art in print?

How do I know what my format is in design?

How do I find out about texture in design?

How do I find out about symbols in design?

How do I find out about symmetry in design?

How do I use music in my web site?

How can I learn the difference between serif and sans-serif type?

How do I find out about Courier type in web design?

How do I store my scanned images?

How do I define characters?

How do I define columns?

How do I define body copy?

How do I define binding?

How do I find a printer?

How do I find a printer that uses soy ink?

How do I use a realistic style in greeting cards?

How do I define a bleed?

How do I illustrate a greeting card?

How do I frame my work in a greeting card format?

How do I use a whimsical greeting card style?

How do I study greeting card design?

How do I define a center spread?

How do I chose my colors for the greeting card?

How do I define capitals?

How do I define descenders?

How do I define an en?

How do I save my scanned images?

How do I scan slides?

How do I use the unsharp mask when scanning?

How do I use tags for Couier type in web design?

How do I find out about tactile texture?

How do I find out about pointillism?

What is a thumbnail?

How do I find out what a triadic color scheme is?

How do I define a shape in design?

How do I find out about value patterns?

How do I find out about value in artistic terms?

How do I find out about offset lithography?

How do I find out about Letterpress?

How do I find out about halftones?

How do I find out about hand-tied binding?

How do I know my layout is good across all browsers?

How can I match print and web colors?

How do I create a triadic color scheme?

How do I make my graphic mesage simple?

How do I find out about embossing?

How do I find out about fly sheets?

How do I find out about a silhouette?

How do I find out about visual texture?

How can I afford all this new software?

How do I find out about subractive color?

How do I use typeface tags in web design?

How do I scan images for the web?

How do I use gray scale in scanning?

How do I define an em?

How do I define depth-gauge or depth-scale?

How do I define compositor?

How do I get free software?

How do I know what to avoid illustrating in greeting cards?

How do I use animals in greeting cards?

How do I define a drop shadow?

How do I define a dummy?

How do I define flat color?

How do I define a format?

How do I scan with gray-scale?

How do I find out about volume in design?

How do I find out about machine-sewn bindings?

How do I find out about Pamphlet-sewn binding?

How do I find out about kraft paper?

How do I find out about trompe l´oeil?

How do I work with PageMaker?

How do I use heading tags in web design?

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Alexis Niki